Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's been a busy few months...but we're back!!!

Catch and I went out to the 2nd Annual Daylight Donuts Golf Invitational to support Dada and Papa. It was a bit chilly in the beginning, but it ended up being a perfect day for golf. Catch LOVED riding in the golf cart, playing on the greens, napping in the golf cart, and eating the delicious chex mix Papa made for all the participants. It was such an exciting and exhausting day, that Catch FINALLY slept the entire night! It's been about 3 weeks since he's slept an entire night, and a hard day on the greens was all it took.

Getting ready to get ride to the first hole.

Giving Dada a good luck hug before his first swing.

Peek-a-boo! Catch's favorite game.

It's a bit bright out here.

What a nice swing daddy!

Ready to take the wheel.

Distracted by the tastiness of the wheel. ugh...

He is too funny.

Man, I just love this smile!

We were riding back to the clubhouse, and Catch fell asleep while Lisa drove. It was too cute.

This was about a good 30-minute nap.

Nap time over, time to play!!
My turn, my turn!!!


  1. Yea. You're back!!! Your blog looks great. I love the background.

  2. Thanks, Kristi! I was feeling quite guilty. I'm going to have some backtracking to do...
